The moment we've been waiting for is finally here. We're thrilled to announce the official launch of Quantum on MainNet.

09 Mar 2023, 09:06
The moment we've been waiting for is finally here! We're thrilled to announce the official launch of Quantum on MainNet 🎉 With Quantum, you can easily move your assets between DeFiChain and Ethereum and we can't wait for the community to finally use it! Check out Quantum now! Please note that for the initial launch, only two ERC20 tokens are supported - WBTC and ETH. But don't worry! We'll be adding support for more tokens very soon. Keep an eye out for updates next week 👀 If you need help navigating everything on Quantum, we've got you covered with a user guide to help you get started Join us on this exciting journey as we connect DeFiChain and Ethereum through Quantum 🚀